My name is Terry Miller. This page is dedicated to Ford lovers and their vehicles. I have a little info about me, my family, my Fords, and also some info and tech tips concerning your Ford. I will answer any questions that I can, and those that I cannot answer I will point you to someone that can. After all, how much fun is it to shell out $55 per hour flat rate for someone to repair your car, when you could do it yourself? Thats what I thought, well here is the site index. Please feel free to link to my page, or contact me with Ford related questions. Thanks for visiting my page.
Please see my soapbox page for my current ranting and raving.
Check my for sale page for several deals, and many more to come.
Also, see the links below for a remote tfi adapter I built, and my adapter to convert a 2.9 V6 efi to a carb .
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My tips page is updated with tips for lousy idle problems, so check it out!
About me
Pictures of my stable
Electronic Fuel injection
2.9EFI carb adapter
Remote TFI adapter
Items For Sale
My Soapbox
Picture Gallery
Air Charge Temp Sensor
Oil Sump Cleaning
Engine Coolant Sensor
MAP Sensor Diognostics
Idle Air Control Diognostics
Automatic Transmissions
Diognostic Codes
More Diognostic Tips
Testing Your TFI Module
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