9 Sept 1998: Change the background image which I found at some place on the net. Add images of engines as on the left column. Adjust here and there. Still can't figure out what to put in the content. All this due to I still have no scanner to scan pictures. Pity, eh? Will update later.
10 Sept 1998: Add the mycar.html page. Add content to it although not finish but just wanna make the link to work. Change the hyperlinks and size of its border.
22 Sept. 1998: Add another link and customized my "mycar" link site.
27 Sept. 1998: Add Malaysia Search Link and add the aboutme.html page.
28 Sept. 1998: Add Sabah Ring and modify main page.
16 October 1998: Add links.html and modified index, mycar and aboutme pages. Download some more graphics.
18 October 1998: Updates to mycar page and add three pictures of Toyota WRC and Proton Wira 4WD Turbo.
28 August 1999: Checking and modifying index page. Some makeup. I noticed people keep sending me email asking about my car, so i thought, i should update my homepage then. Thanks guys. The links added a new one from Rob, Australian, check him out!! ok.
25 Sept 1999: Just got the time to edit. My car is no longer the red KE20 but now Angel White. Sometimes i feel bad that i changed the color but its in the card, and i really lazy to go to the Transport Dept. to change it. It has a cost you know and i don't want to fork out money just for that. I better buy new accessories. Picture not yet available. Pls wait.
12 Nov 1999: Pictures available now in mycar link. Please have a look. I know still no Sports rim. I'm planning though.
08 July 2000: Add new design Counter. Edit this index file and the links. Changed the scroll text above. Still no picture on the EE90 and my Tamiya R/C. Add News Headline in the links page.
Lastly, the best of all, my R/C page. Radio Control Cars and Trucks Action page.
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Last updated 6 Jan 2001 Saturday, 1213 hrs (GMT +8)