About Me
Hallo ! My name is Kurt, but you can call me Cruisern. What I´m interested in ? Look around and you´ll see. If you don´t understand it anyway,than I´ll tell you.
CAR´s. Mostly does fabolus American cars from the fifties. Customcars always goes right in to my heart.

MUSIC.All kind of music, but mostly,
TRAINING. I like when my muscles have a hard day at the gym. I strech, pump, runs and stays on the step up machine for several hours, but the airbag in the front will not go away. Too much food, maby ? But, I feel good, so what !
DANCING.Several times a week I dance with my friends. We call it Danceexercise. "Bugg" is the form of dance that I like best. Probably it`s because I like fast music like Rock`n´Roll. I`m a member of "Trolldansarna". It´s a Bugg-club in Sundsvall.
CRUISIN´. Think that you sitting in my Mercury Sun Valley -54 in a city somewhere. You´ll see the trafficlight right thrue the roof. In the evening you can see the stars and the moon. Yes, it´s a PLASTIC ROOF. That´s why this car is named
I feel very good when I´m cruisin´ down the street in the city. But, when the cruisin´ is over
and I´m on my way home with the Mercury´s V8 rumble, the stereo plays rock`n´roll and the
morning sun is rising, than I´m in heaven.
If you like Rock`n´Roll, Customcars, Classic cars, and other cool things. Come on and Cruise around with me into the "FIFTIES" !

Now it´s MERCURY, but in the beginning CHEVROLET was the ruler.
Take a look.
Cruisern made this !