Your Source For Cars, and Other Good Stuff.

Hi I'm lucky__7__98.

I'm reasonably new to the web page scene so I don't Have to many fancy tricks or cool backgrounds yet. But I'm still working on the page, a little bit every day, so you'll have to keep checking back every so often to see all the cool stuff that I'm gonna find and put on my page. :o) Thanx people, Enjoy!

Yeah, so thanx for dropping by, I've just added a some more new sections to my web page.
The page now includes listings of some interesting sounding drinking games that can be played
with friends at the bar or at house parties.
I've also added a comedy section, right now it is just a couple of pages with funny pictures
and a few sound clips but who knows how much I will find and add.
If you're having trouble finding these new sections, go to "*My Stuff*", click on "Refresh" and a heading "*Games*" and "*Funny Stuff*" should be listed along with the other links to my pages.

Last updated October 17 2000

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This site has four main catagories, "Cars", "My Stuff", "Games", and "Funny Stuff".
All the cars part is right now is a bunch of cool car pictures that I got and put on these rotating image carousels. The cars themselves are going to be links to other pages with specific info on that car but that is going to come later. For now, check it out and marvel as the pictures spin for you enjoyment!

The "My Stuff" part is exactly like it sounds, it's a bunch of pages with pictures and stuff about me and some of my friends.
The "Games" part is a section which has listings of some fun drinking games
that can be played at parties or at the bar. You should have a look some of them are ton 'o fun!
And, if you're up for a good laugh, take a peek at my "Funny Stuff" section.
There are lots of funny pictures a few sounds clips and whatever else I could find on this crazy thing they call the internet!

All images on this page are Copyright © Lucky__7__98 Co. 2000 ©.

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