Welcome to the Homepage
Israel Dunmade Family
You are cordially welcomed to our Homepage. This is a Christian Family with The Almighty God as the Guardian. "For in Him we live and have our being"
Where Art Thou ?
Dearly beloved, what do you think of life? Where are you in your relationship with your maker? What is your state of mind? What are you passing through? Are you having bad lucks, bad dreams, sickness, disease and oppression? Do you want to experience the Power of the Almighty God in your life? Give your life to Jesus.

Dearly beloved, have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Make Him your personal friend? He love you and cares for you. Surrender your life to Him and you will never regret that you do. Worship with us at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, House of Praise,  Bay 5, 3650 19 Street NE, Calgary, AB. Canada every Sunday by 10am. We also meet at the same venue for one hour Bible Study every Wednesday by 7:00pm and Night Vigil every Friday by 11:00pm. Come and be blessed! For further information, counselling and/or prayer call (403)27-3583 or e-mail: isrem@yahoo.com)
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