MX6 Turbo and R33 Skyline GTS25T

This web site is dedicated to my Mazda MX6 Turbo and R33 Nissan Skyline GTS25T.

Here you'll find details and pictures of both the cars, as well as modifications I have performed and the results achieved with both cars (both resulting power output and times acheived at the drag strip).

I no longer own the MX6 turbo, it was sold to partially finance the Skyline, but I still have details and pictures of it for those interested in these cars and the modifications you can do to them. Sorry, I never ran it down the drag strip, but it should have run the quarter mile in under 15 seconds.

You will also find pictures from Melbourne Auto Salon 99, taken by myself, some other junk that I just felt like adding, and links to a few other things (making money while browsing the web and a few domain names I have registered and am willing to sell).

Please feel free to email me here, I answer all email I receive.


PS: Don't forget to view and sign my guestbook here

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Created and maintained by Justin McDonald.