David's FFR Cobra Buildup

OK, I'll admit it's kind of dopey for a grown man to go putting personal stuff like this up for all to see, but it's been a dream of mine for a long time to build a car like this--and its been a real blast! I've had a couple of MG sports cars since my teens so I know how to do a few basic repairs, but I've never tried anything this extensive before. It's gone amazingly well thanks to the quality of the FFR kit and documentation. Also my friend, Ed, who saved me from "the wiring monster", and who did a great job on the paint. The whole thing cost me about 17k to put on the road, including about 2k in accessories such as the Hallibrand replica wheels. It took about 300 hours to complete. I can't say enough good stuff about the people from Factory Five Racing. Their kit and their staff are first class. Here's some photos that I took at each stage of the process. Hope you enjoy them.


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