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The Officially Unofficial Biff Racing International web site!

About the Author

A note from the founder of the BRT, Biff:
The BRT is about promoting the hobby of RC cars. Doesnt matter if ya race, or just run up and down the driveway. We feel that if we get enough people, pulling in the same direction, we can grow and make the hobby better. The best way to grow the hobby, is through new guys. If your a new guy, get hooked up with someone more knowledgable than yourself, and try to shorten the learning curve of racing. Some guys burn out real quick, if their gettin their butt kicked! Once youve become a veteran, its up to you to help the newbies, to get them up to speed quicker, and make the first few races more enjoyable. Odds are they will continue to race........

We are also planning a charity race in February, in Houston Texas, to benifit the Shriners hospital for children. We think this race will have severall positive impacts, beside the obvious of helping out a charity. We belive we can get media coverage, which will shed a positive light of RC car racers, and the promotion part of it will take care of it self.

328 members babY!

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If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at:
Troy Lyman, Biff Racing International Web Designer

Site last updated on 10/18/99.