Wow - this is my 2nd update this month!!
Ok - so I found out I am banned from going to Clipper games with Hans & Tans - haha cuz of my comment from last update that I hated the Clippers- hahaha! Hey Hans & Tans,just cuz I root for the other team & wear the other teams jersey dont mean I dont appeciate you guys taking me - haha! Damn those Clippers!
Ok just 4 days til our contract at work expires. And just like the grocery workers they are stuck on benefits. They want us to pay a portion of it - and the retirees to pay theyre portion as well. I disagree with that.
As for a new cell phone - yup! still looking - I was gonna buy the Sony Ericcson P900 ($800) but thought that was kinda outragous for a phone. So now Im looking at the Motorola V600 which isnt out yet, the price tag on that is in the $500's. A lil more reasonable -
I've been look into moving to a new office- cuz the office Im in now is & has been turned into a circus act. Its almost like a boot camp now, where it was once a resort when Carla was running it. I dont see why all the changes, I mean the way Carla left it was just running fine. Sales agents and Discrepancy calls. All the reps that were forced to goto Pasadena are mostly all back. Terrible decisions to take them away in the first place- all that money to move them & now bring them back & the money spent on ergo'ing the desks again. Just wasted money!I guess its the TEXAS way. Look at Bush for crying out loud. Weapons of Mass destruction my ass! |