Dan Rittichier's 1984 Camaro Sport Coupe Restoration and IROC-Z Upgrade!
Welcome to my site!  This site is dedicatied to the restoration of my 1984 Chevy Camaro. The restoration information is divided up into Phases.  Currently there have been seven Phases that have taken place. Also featured on this site are many F-body cars submitted by you.  There are various other pages to view, including a links page to many other great sites, a Photo Page with a collection of photos taken from the restoration, a page for my friends, and a page with a little about myself.  This has been a four year project.  It all started back in the spring of 1998. Enjoy!
: : ::What's New:: : :
Check out the Camaro & Firebird Parts for Sale!!

Due to the nature of Geocities crashing my site, I have downsized my web page.  SORRY!
I am planning to redesign my web page, possibly getting a new server.

I have decided to park the Camaro.  I got rearended in my Camaro the week I was going to put it up for storage.  So that put things off a bit, but now it's finally put up.  Since I have gotten married, it's been a little too expensive to pay gas and insurance for the Camaro. My wife and I purchased a '98 Lumina, which she drives, and I got a '92 S-10 for my daily driving endeavors.  Now that school is over perhaps I can get to updating the site more regularly.
Bookmark this page. 
There is a lot to see and read!
Here is what you will find on my site!
Starting first with the restoration information...
(Start with
Page 1 and follow the link at the bottom of each page...you will successfully navigate through each one of these links below ;)  Thanks!)
Page 3:  Replacing Body Panels
PAGE 2:  Replacing Mechanical Parts
Page 1:  My first car!
Page 1 Page 2
Page 3
Page 5:  The New Paint Job!
Page 4:  Prepping for the paint job!
Page 4
Page 5
Parts and Accessories!
IROC-Z upgrade
This page features my  wrecked 1988 IROC-Z28 and how I used it's parts to upgrade my 1984 Coupe
Parts and Accessories
A quick list of this parts car.
1988 Camaro IROC-Z28
--5.7L 350
--Auto Overdrive
--Performance Package
--Posi Trac
Cool huh?  I made it myself.
I would just like to thank all of you for sending in me emails about your rides!  Thank you for taking time to submit them for my site.  I have certainly enjoyed reading the stories you have given and giving me the opportunity to answer some questions about restorations! 
I will no longer be accepting pictures for Featured Rides.  My site keeps crashing, so I am downsizing.  I am terribly sorry!!
-- Dan
:  : ::Bulletin Board:: :  :
September 9, 2002

I have downsized my site.
Friends, Me, Truck, CaroMonth, Sounds eliminated...SORRY.
Check out my Camaro & Firebird parts for sale!
--Wrecked the 'RO--
--The Camaro is put up for storage :( --
Drop a line Drop a line
Check out my new banner.  "Right click" and "save as" for a nice banner to link to my site.  Email me your link too!
Summer '00
Spring '99
5.7L V8 Tuned Port Injection
Automatic overdrive
16" Stock IROC-Z Gray 5-spoke rims
Black Paint
Gray/Black interior
2.8L V6 Muti-Port Injection
Automatic Overdrive
15" Stock Z28 white 5-spoke rims
Silver Paint
Gray/Black interior
Dan Rittichier
On-line since Spring 1998