Driving Philosophy

Last update: April 5, 1999

Welcome to my web page. This is my first page composition and thought this would be a great way to express my opinion on a topic that bothers me the most, rude drivers, and my own philosophy of driving etiquette. This comes mostly from being a motorcyclist and the tendency to notice these things more on a bike than in a vehicle, due to the lack of the false-security a car gives you. I'm guessing there are others who share the same feelings as well as those who don't or could care less. I welcome all responses with an open mind and will sort through and add to my list those which I feel are appropriate. Also, any suggestions for this site are welcome (i.e. layout, topics, etc.).

As George Carlin put it, "Everyone going slower than me is an idiot, everyone going faster is a maniac". Everybody has probably felt that way at one time or another, but the issue here is about basic driving practice. Most are regulated by so-called 'laws', which are stated in that little booklet you threw away after your last driver's test. But, even more so, driving ethics or etiquette.

Now, I live in Southern California (LA to be more exact) and this is probably the capital of unethical drivers, not to mention the enormous amount of congestion, which magnifies the effects (ever wonder why so many people aren't at work during the day?). Anyway, I'm sure this is common in all big cities. I have developed my own driving philosophy over the 16+ years of driving experience, of which I have made mistakes on the way. Below, is a list of my own ethics and pet peeves along with some of my favorite links.


What I mean by this is, think about what you are doing and how it will effect others. Basically, don't do something to someone else, if you don't like it when someone does it to you. Granted, you don't have time to think when you are doing 70 in a mob of traffic down the 405, which is what I mean by "don't think too much". It has to become second nature. The next time you cut somebody off, think about how it feels when somebody squeezes between you and the car ahead of you for no apparent reason, besides thinking that your lane is going faster. It probably is, for the next ten feet. Then the next time, make sure there is plenty of room between you and the car behind you so they don't have to slam on their brakes just to gain some space. If this one guideline would be followed, the following list of complaints could be eliminated.

I'm not saying you should go down the road thinking this and that and wondering "did I do that right?" or "should I do this?". On the contrary. A paranoid driver is the worst and shouldn't be behind the wheel. There is a happy medium between being paranoid and being so relaxed that you almost fall asleep. Driving a motor vehicle is serious business.


What is so difficult about hitting a little lever to communicate to your fellow drivers that you are about to nail your brakes because your turn was closer than you thought? Or, when you decide to change lanes at the same time as the person two lanes over? Back to that 'thinking' thing, some people just can't or won't think ahead. Since nobody uses their blinker, maybe the vehicle manufacturers should eliminate them and save the money, compounded over the thousands of cars they will sell. Or, why not make them an option? That will in turn save the consumer money. Do everyone a favor, STOP BEING LAZY!


Now, here's a big one that seems more indigenous to Southern CA driving practice. I will overlook the moron that misjudges a yellow light and can't decide whether to stop or mash the accelerator, of which, opting for the gas seems more favorable, resulting in running a red. This is obviously very dangerous, and I have seen a number of accidents resulting from this around here. Luckily, most major intersections have a 2-3 second delay between red and greens. But, this isn't always the case. What I think is worse, in the ethical department, are the idiots who are waiting in line to make their turn on their left green arrow, and refuse to stop once it's too late for them to make it. Usually, 4-5 cars will follow once their light has turned RED and oncoming traffic receives a green. Apparently, they have learned that the oncoming traffic will sit and wait while they get their ass out of the intersection. Unless, you want to wreck your car, I suppose they are right. I suppose having to wait another minute or two for the next light would just ruin your day. If you're running late, an accident will cost you way more than a minute. SET YOUR ALARM CLOCK NEXT TIME!


What is so difficult about glancing to the left or right before switching lanes? Are you afraid to take your eyes off the car in front of you, of which you are probably tailgating? Or, just figure that the person next to you, occupying your soon-to-be lane of choice, will just get the hell out of your way? Unless it is an emergency situation, you have plenty of time to take a quick peek to make sure the lane is clear (AND use your blinker), and not just the mirrors. How many times have you looked in your mirror and started to change lanes as a car was creeping up beside you, and thought "I didn't see him there"? TURN YOUR HEAD NEXT TIME!


What is so important that it can't wait until you get stopped? This includes business executives, salesmen, etc. First of all, my theory is, you can't talk on the phone and concentrate 100% on driving. It is physically impossible. For those of you who rely on your subconscious to do the driving because you have been driving for years and drive the same route everyday, what's going to happen when someone slams on their brakes or pulls out in front of you? Everyone knows what reaction time is and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you are talking on the phone, there is going to be a delay from the time you return your conscious thought to the road and actually apply the brakes, at which point, most people are going to go into survival reaction mode and slam the brakes as hard as they can, probably resulting in an accident. I've had numerous people practically sideswipe me because they were so involved in their phone conversation. DO IT AT HOME OR WORK!


This goes right along with cell phones. Why do you feel the need to look at the other person to talk to them? If it's that important to you, let THEM drive. Then, you can do the talking. Not to be discriminatory, but I notice this more with women (based on my own observations). Do you not realize how dangerous a motor vehicle is? Obviously, only by shear luck, these people haven't learned their lesson via an accident. If you don't understand the importance of driving responsibly, TURN IN YOUR LICENSE!


Now! I'm definitely picking on the women. If you can't get out of bed earlier, then you will just have to look like the rest of us normal people. Plain and simple, PUT YOUR MAKE-UP ON AT HOME OR WHEN YOU GET TO WORK!


Everyone wants to see what an accident is all about. But, is there really a need for slowing down to a crawl, when the accident is on the other side of the highway? In traffic, when one person slows down, the next person has to and so on. In LA, this is guaranteed to cause a backup for miles. If it's that important to you, PULL OFF THE ROAD!


Do I really need to say anything about this? You don't need a Masters in Physics to understand that wet pavement = less traction. More accidents occur when it rains. Duhhh you say? What, people are too busy to figure out that it's raining? Actually, by nature, I think most people do tend to drive slower in the rain, and the one's who don't, are usually slowed down by the traffic. But, they forget to leave additional distance. I try to leave twice the space between me and the next car, than I normally would. FOLLOW THE SPEED LIMIT MORE CLOSELY AND STAY OFF PEOPLE'S ASS!

Also, when traveling on the highway and it is raining cats and dogs, why is it that a large % of people fail to realize that a vehicle produces large amounts of spray. Now, let's say you are passing a truck, which is producing even larger amounts of spray which mixes with yours as you pass the truck creating a veritable wall of impenetrable water (to your vision). Do you not think it would be perhaps the best thing, for all concerned, that, have your headlights on (not just the running lights)? This way, you will be seen by a car coming from behind into the wall of spray. Not to mention, if you are on a two-lane highway with no central reservation, the oncoming traffic will also be able to see you. GET YOURSELF SEEN, MORON.


I believe everyone should be required to take a road-handling course, similar to what's required to obtain a racing license. Admittedly, I have not been through a formal course, but am self-taught just from being around hot rods most of my life and just plain being a passion of mine. Although, I would definitely benefit from one. This doesn't mean that everyone needs to learn to drive like Mario Andretti. But, learning to handle a vehicle in emergency situations should be required. It's amazing how many people are out on the road that know how to steer a car straight between two lines, but when it comes to braking or corners, they don't have a clue. Just learning how your vehicle handles when the brakes are slammed on or having to swerve to avoid something at 60 or 70 mph, could help save someone's life someday.

Basically, get comfortable with your car or truck. I'm not trying to write a book on performance driving nor do I claim to be an expert driver, but there are entirely too many drivers on the road who don't belong. This is because licenses are handed out way too easily. What if the FAA just handed out licenses to anyone, who's flown a single prop-engined two-seater airplane, to fly a 747?


WOW! Do I feel better. I think this is an issue that should be brought to people's attention more often. Too many accidents are happening that injure and kill people every year. Deaths occur every day from murders, plane crashes and natural occurrences, but, this is something that each and every individual out there can help to reduce. Accidents are always going to happen because everyone makes mistakes, but too many 'accidents' aren't 'accidents', they are the result of ignorance. PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY!



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