Jukka Harkola´s Home Page

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I have been involved with Morris engines for the past 20+ years, working with my Minis and Minor. I have tried to write about the restoration vs. modifications of my cars with a lot of photos, to show any interesting (?) details. Below are links to my car pages. Most of the photos are in thumb nail size with links to actual photos so the pages should load reasonably fast.

Mini Clubman has been a constant victim of various modifications, originally a 1000cc car but now a turbocharged summer car. This is completely street legal car. I have owned the car for the past 11 years. I have planned further modifications to the car but time is a limiting factor.

Morris Minor is my oldest project: I have owned the car for over 20 years and learned most of my car related skills with this project. It has had 1000 cc engine, 1300 engine with Toyota gearbox, disc brakes and now the final spec: Rover V8 engine, 5-speed box, 4-wheel disc brakes etc. This is also a street legal car (which is a small miracle considering our legislation) and so far my toughest project.

1962 Morris Minor V8 1971 Mini Clubman Turbo
Body modifications Engine assembly
Suspension and brakes Problems
Engine and gearbox Rolling road reports
Technical updates 2000 New carb
Body modifications
Turbo Metro dizzy in a pre A+ block

I will also add links to other pages which include photos of interesting Minis. Here are a couple of nice examples of 8-port engines.

Here are two cars owned and built by my friend Viku Perala, a 2-seater Speedster and 16-valve Mini Clubman

If you have any comments, questions etc. about my cars please send me e-mail: Mail to Jukka Harkola

This page has been updated October 13, 2005.