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Jeff's VW World

Your host is jeffery_lawrence_vw@hotmail.com

Message Board

Post your views, reviews, sales and questions HERE! Post anything you like, but keep it tastefull!

1965 Split Bus For Sale

Resto Split for less than £1k! RHD and ball Joint Beam!!!

1965 Split Panel Van For Sale

Super Clean Commercial Very Original!!!

Cool Scale VW's!

1/43 Scale VW Models For Christmas?

For Sale 

Here you will find the things that my friends and I are selling…go on, take a look!


Bath Air-Cooled is my primary club. I've been a member for several years now, and we get up to all sorts!


Edubs are the cutting edge in internet Volkswagen Clubs, with a superb website, and an interactive mailing list. It keeps me up-to-date, that’s for sure.

A Little About Me…

I live in England (UK), and own Several Bugs and Buses. Currently nothing VW is on the road!

The last few months have been a bit mad. If you like your VW's, and can't live without them, don't buy a house that needs everything doing on it, like I have.

I'm having trouble remembering what a V-dub looks like…

At the moment daily transport is provided by a '91 Skoda Favorit. I call it 'The Old Dog', but I have to say, £330 (purchase and running repairs) and over 12k miles, it is a good cheap ride. It is also better than any of the water-cooled VW's I've had over the years.

I still go out causing traffic mayhem in a '72 Sunbeam IMP Sport. I've posted pictures, so all you good people can get out of my way if you see me coming!!!

I hope you enjoy the site. Mail me with your comments or if you are a business that requires a web site…I may be able to assist you.


Click Image For More Info and Pictures

