atlantis atlantis web main atlantis webring egypt lemuria basque mayan index.html<TITLE> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="atlantis , ,atlan ,atlantean ,lost continent ,lost empire ,atlantida ,lemuria ,posidea ,lost worlds ,world ,authority ,atlanteans ,atlantic ,facts rare ,unusual ,research ,journal ,including ,egypt ,basques ,lemuria ,mayans ,pre-celtic ,lost continents ,"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="atlan ,atlantis , ,aztlan ,atlanteans ,lost continents ,world authority ,myths ,archao astronomy ,mu ,lemuria ,og ,oz ,noah ,Sirus ,mystery ,pyramid ,sphinx ,edgar cayce ,a.r.e. ,thoth ,emerald tablet ,orchaleum ,sociology ,anthropology ,geography ,lost lands ,stonehenge ,Isis ,osiris ,hermes ,edgerton sykes ,plato ,timeus ,maderia ,canaries ,antillia ,posidea ,"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" content=""> <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="INDEX,FOLLOW"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="10; url="> <TITLE>atlantis web main atlantis webring egypt lemuria basque mayan<TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="Template" content="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\Web Pages\Web Page Wizard.wiz"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"> <title>Atlantis ATLANTISITE.COM RECENT NEWS also click this link
  • 'Egerton Sykes & Dean Clarke Atlantean-Atlantis Research Journal 1948-2002 USA Branch Atlantis-Egypt-Maya Your Main Source

  • Update Jan. 2002 Ancient Civilization found in 120 feet of water many miles off the coast of Cambay Bay, Northern India, 7,500 B.C. at least in age!!Here is BBC site report address also

    Update-West Florida off the coast proof that civilization in Ice Age times and After were many miles into the Gulf of Mexico hunting before the Gulf was innundated-Link

    Update on Fish Mounds in Bahamas and Cayce-Link 'Egerton Sykes'

    based on the continuation of his 'Atlantean Research' and 'The Research Centre Group' that he helped start, and the now in the year 2001 A.D. the re-founding of a Updated Official Site year 2000

    'Atlantis,and the Atlantean Research Group'This web master and world authority on atlantis author Dean R. Clarke has exclusive right to start and found the above name.

    based on Egerton Sykes blessings given in a conversation between 1980-1983 before April 26th at his passing.(J.E. Marshall Thanked for reminding and picture)Click here to see Egerton Family picture"is up now"-he is to the left

    based on Egerton Sykes 1948 Atlantis 'Anti-diluvian World'edition of Ignatius Donnelly book link

  • NEW Link to 'Atlantean Research' Journal Lists in years and questions.

    ;The List of Major and still important books on the subject.

    Best Links that provide not overly tangent theories but Plato's

    and Edgar Cayces best info. description of what Atlantis was.

    What is the study of Atlantology, or the subject of Atlantis.

    Mission statement: We do not subscribe to Atlantis origin in Crete, India, Europe, N. or S. America, the pole land masses, China, Australia, or Cuba. There is only one location of Origin by which is the Atlantic Ocean or it's Islands!!! We are sorry few have taken Plato more seriously and his relative who was Solon who received the

    information via Egypt. Sincerely,(Webmaster) Dean Clarke B.L.S.

    Atlantis Page 1| Links Page 2 | Cayce Info. Page 3

    Search WWW Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search

    A HREF="">Atlantis here is a precursor link a skeptic approach and plato's authenticity.

    Atlantis Link on the web atlan

    Atlantis link we do not feel is in location correct of India

    Here is another precursor site that takes a poll on where you think Atlantis was.

    Emerald Tablets two Links and

    For those who ask what did ever happen to the Hermes Project?, or better

    Here the site of 9,000 B.C. Oldest Mummy N. America who are cannibals like Atlantis had.

    NEW UPDATE Azores as site of Plato's Citidel 250 miles S.West of Azores and Cuba underwater pyramid and walls, and

    Here is the main source of Egypt's ongoing digs Links below this is the oldest Egyptology site on the web.

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