My name is Joe, otherwise known as "Cobra016" on this computer thingy.I live in Hamilton,Ontario,Canada with my parents,Beatle_4 and Lady Unicorn (Ed and Wendy) and my dog Killer.

I`m just in the process of rebuilding my site,so bear with me as I plan on having all kinds of pictures(girls,motorcycles,the usual teenager things)links,sounds,and anything else I can come up with.

So take a look around (there are links at the bottom of the page)but please,sign my guestbook.If not,I may get my pet spiders,Boris and Igor,to bite you.


All My Rowdy Friends WOOOOOOOOOOO Mail Call

Look At All My Victims<br>A Great Place For A Guestbook And More. Would You Like To Be My Next Victim?