Robin's Cars

I've owned a interesting series of cars (at least to me), since buying my first car over twenty years ago. The unusual collection derives at least partly to my moving from England to California during this period of time. The title to the page was going to be "The Need for Speed", but certain of these cars were anything but fast, so a neutral title seemed more appropriate. Some of these were wonders and some were lemons of the worst kind. Read on to discover which was which.

Performance has usually been a criteria in selecting the cars, but other major expenses, such as a house and kids have meant that a compromise was necessary. 

Click on the links below to read about and see pictures of my automotive wonders.

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Ford Escort
Ford Transit
Triumph Dolomite Sprint
Hillman Minx
Opel Kadett
Ford Pinto
Ford Mustang Cobra
Mazda GLC
Toyota Tercel
Plymouth Voyager
Mazda MX-3
Saturn SW2
Honda Odyssey


Send me e-mail and tell me what you think of my page. Especially let me know if you've owned any of the older cars listed here.

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