This Web page has been created for TEAM "TCR"

Chris,  Luis Jr. "The ICE MAN" and Luis Sr. have recently formulated Team "Total Control Racing" (TCR). They are members of RCRC of San Antonio.

Chris races a Serpent in the .15 category and a HPI RS4 Nitro in the Modify Class. In April 1998, RCRC of San Antonio held the Norrca 1998 Texas State On Road Championship, Chris finished 2nd in .15 2wd category.

ICE MAN finished 1st place in the Norrca 1998 4WD HPI Nitro Sportsman .  This year (2000) the ICE MAN finished 3rd with his Serpent Impulse in the RCRC San Antonio Winter Series. The ICE MAN is currently 3rd in points in the SWCS series.  

Luis is always on the lookout for new competition. Once in a while when he sees another car that looks pretty hot he runs back to his shop to tweak his car.

Luis Sr. races a Dual Sport Corvette, a Serpent Impulse. and a HPI RS4 Nitro Corvette. (He has more toys than Luis Jr.) Luis Sr. finshed dead last during Norrca 1998 Texas State On Road Championship, in the main after mechanical failure. (He had qualified 2nd with his dual sport in gearbox stock). This was his 1st year of racing, he has a long way to go in developing his driving skills. We will keep you posted.

With this web page we will try to keep you updated with new photos of racing events as they occur. We will also include photos of other racers and their cars. If you would like to get into the hobby of remote control cars we will be more than happy to point you into the right direction.


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