Lasting Impressions Lowrider Car and Bike Club the Phoenix Chapter

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Lasting Impressions
Car, Bike, and Model Club

Lasting Impressions Original Car Club was founded in Febuary of '96 by a group of people with the same interest in mind. To show that we care about the communities in which we live by raising the awareness that lowriding is a way of life for many individuals of all ages and races. By showing the communities that not all lowriders are a result of drugs and gangs. Lowriders are a form of rolling art. In many cases, a way that a person can express their feeling and ideas. Every lowrider is different and special in its own way, and in the eyes of it's owner. As the wheels of time slowly progress into the future, as will Lasting Impressions Car, Bike, and Model Club.
If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail us at:

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This site was built and is maintained by
Daniel Magallanes