My name is  Ilya Burovoy . I live in Israel and this is my Bug Page.

My Bug is a '72 Standard Beetle 1300. I acquired it on January 21, 2000 with 131,200 km on speedo.

Chassis No: 112 ...
Engine No: original AB622..., 1285 cc, 44 bhp
Carburettor: Solex 30PICT-3

I am the third owner of this car.

The PO is an  Air Force officer, so he took care of the car as if it was a F-15. My sincere thanks to him. He has been keeping this Beetle in perfect driving condition for eleven years. I received this car with a service logbook, including all maintenance and repair records plus a payload of spares. 

Minor surface rust (already fixed), some minor electrical problems: parking lights, fuel gauge (already fixed), couple of dashboard knobs missing (already fixed)

Replaced: rear brake drums, right tie rod end (safety!).

This car is a fantastic drive being completely original in condition. I do not plan any serious restoration hoping that in present condition this car will serve us for the next several years.

This Beetle used to be my wife's  daily driver. Now it is my "weekend" driver.

Aircooled VW in Israel

The Aircooled VW Club meets weekly near the Ramat Gan stadium.  I started collecting images from these meetings.

The Aircooled VW club was founded in Tel Aviv on December 7, 2001.

My favourite Aircooled VW links:

Aircooled Only VW Links (contains all below mentioned and much more...)

The Old Beetle Home

John Henry's BugShop

VolksWagen Repairs: Fixing Your Aircooled Beetle

Speedy Jim's Home Page, Aircooled Electrical Hints

VintageBus.Com (wiring diagrams)

VW Beetle and the Pop-Art

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Updated: August 20, 2005

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