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This Austin America site has information relative to what else? The Austin America. Since I own one and I create web sites, why not make a web site about the Austin? I have searched High and Low and it is very difficult to locate anything about this car on the Internet. So I decided to display some of the Austin projects that I have been working on.  This site displays some pictures that I have taken at different stages of the restoration and some useful links.  Click on the restoration link to view some progress. 

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The Barney's 1969 Austin America

Site design by BB's Data Inc.
Web Site Designer
This picture was taken two days after I bought the car and the day 
that I started the restoration project (August 22, 1997). I was the forth owner. Before that a person in Los Altos owned it from 1971 to 1995. The original owner bought it on September 19, 1969.

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