Welcome to the Porsche Webring

The Car

Welcome to the Porsche Webring. If you have a Porsche page and want everyone to know about it you have come to the right place. Please give the provided information to your Porsche page and then I will review it and return you an e-mail with your ID Number so you can update your information such as a changed address. Thank You for your time.

If you are have already entered your site into the queue you need to get the code to put in your web site here.

If you want to see what it looks like check it out here.

You must put this on the opening page of your Porsche Site, and you should not change it.

The only change you need to make is to add:
your site ID where it says "your_site_id_here".

If you have any questions email me at porschewebring@hotmail.com.

Submit site to the Porsche Webring
* Required
* Site Title:
* Site URL:
* E-mail:
* Password: (don't forget it!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Update your ring information here:

Site ID:

The Porsche Webring was created and is maintained by Steve Cags.

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The Porsche Webring is made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.