Welcome . . .
I put this site together late in 1997 when I was considering
purchasing a Honda VTR1000. The site contains links to some articles
and pictures that ultimately
convinced me it was a good bike to buy.
Even though several friends have taken great pleasure
in mocking the purchase of a Honda (only because at the time it was
the GP bike of superman, the Almighty Mick Doohan) they are only jealous
because a Suzuki falls a thousand miles behind a Yamaha and of course
the Honda. Sorry Frank Pbusty, you deserve this.
For some useful information on speeding in NSW Australia,
check out the speeding
section. There is some great information on the use of banned radar
detectors and laser jammers.
The site was my first introduction to HTML and web pages,
and it provided me with a good multi-page project to work on. During
my first attempt, I used windows Notepad and a frames tutorial I downloaded
from Geocities.
My second attempt was very short lived, and highly unsuccessful. During
this stint, I tried using MS FrontPage 98, Word 97, and even IBM's WebSphere.
You can imagine what that was like!
My most recent attempt has been using Macromedia's Dreamweaver
3. This is a fantastically easy application to use. Try it, you will
be impressed. It leaves FrontPage for dead, and is 10 times easier to
learn than WebSphere. This is truly a professional web page developers
tool, and the UltraDev provides simple database connectivity.
Anyway, enough fluff. For those who actually read the
page and get some information or enjoyment, thanks.

Last updated: August 4, 2000 8:03