FWP | The club for Wartburg enthusiasts |
Finnish Wartburg Wartburg was imported to Finland from the year *1955 until 1991 and a quite large number of cars have been sold over the years. Yet it has become more and more difficult to find Wartburg cars that still are used and in driving condition. A great number of cars have been destroyed due to the owner´s lack of will to pay for maintenance and regular service. Wartburg is presumably the most inexpensive car ever sold in Finland. A new Wartburg costed at least 30 % less than any other new European car on the Finnish market. Finnish Wartburg Protectors Our club was founded in the spirit of preserving the unique Wartburg car, so that the outcome of 100 years automobile manufacture in Eisenach DDR, (home of the Wartburg car) may live on to enter the next century. In our selection of Wartburg cars we have a wide spread of style and idea´s ranging from standard versions to custom built. The model types represented in our club are the 311, 312 and the 353W. |
Old Wartburgs never give up they just keep on going. |
Webmaster: Roger Andersson |