Welcome LeSabre Owners!

Hello, I am the LeSabreNut and welcome to my first homepage. As you can guess, I love Buicks, especially LeSabres. I enjoy being a part of the car hobby. I have loved Buicks since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I am the proud owner of a l979 LeSabre Limited (the first year for a trim level that continues today) and a l987 LeSabre Limited T-Type with GN features. I enjoy driving and working on them along with attending as many car shows as I possibly can. The older car is being restored.

If there are any LeSabre owners out there who are interested in forming a club, please feel free to e-mail your ideas to me.

L. Brown
July 31, 1997
ar963@ccn.cs.dal.ca Stay tuned, there's more to come!