Welcome to NSTAG8R's Web Site


Photo Gallery


Welcome to my Web site! Hope you enjoy what I have here

Thank you for visiting my Web Site!  I've just recently taken an active interest in making it a nicer site and at the same time sharing with whomever my thoughts, my ideas, my likes, my ventures and anything else that I may place up here.  Your feed back is greatly appreciated.

My third semester at UNR is going great and looks like it might add some challenge with the three classes that I have!

****Please visit also www.myspace.com/nstag8r for up-to-date info****

Have a Great Day

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Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family.
  • 2006 Nugget Rib Cook Off

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    This site was last updated 09/27/05