Welcome to my Pontiac firebird website. This site has been online now for five years and I hope to be making some improvements very soon. Thanks to all of you that visit.
"My old 1990 Formula Firebird"
The flood of 2001 totaled it. But, if anyone here in Houston knows where it's at, Please e-mail me. I would like to find it and buy it back. The body was in fantastic shape and even though it had 147,000 miles showing, It was a joy to me. Wes is wanting to go back to drag racing and this car would be perfect for him. The Goat will never see the drag strip he says.
My 1999 WS6
Wes's 1968 GTO
The Story
As some of you may know, this car had been a part of our family before. Wes always loved this car and nothing would ever take it's place in his heart. So, when my little racer graduated High School, Rusty and I were able to pull a rabbit out of the hat and buy the Goat for him as a graduation present. Thanks to my Sister and Wes's two older brothers, we pulled it off without Wes knowing anything about it. Fortunately, he wasn't home when we got back and was able to pull it into the garage and shut the doors. Britton had arranged for Wes to pick him up at work that day so he could be here to for the surprise. Everything went perfect. They got here and we made some excuse for Wes to go out into the garage. He could not believe it. Wes doesn't get to excited about anything, but this choked him up. All these years and he never expected that he would ever own the Goat. This picture is of him driving it for the first time with Britton riding along. Wes is very proud of his car and can't wait to take it to the car shows we have every weekend here. He has a long way to go though, and it needs a lot of cosmetic work. But he's very patient and wants it to be perfect. "A very "special thanks" to all of you involved in making this happen."
"Check out Pontiacs of Texas".
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