
Kawasaki ZR-7 Page

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Welcome to my corner on the web.

In the past, this site has been dedicated to the Honda VFR. As I have not owned that bike for over 2 years and now own a Ducati Monster, the focus of this site has changed. I will still leave the VFR info up as it appears in Google searches and I like to share.

NEW UPDATE 01/07/04
I sold the Monster a couple months ago now. I decided to quit riding on the street full-time. I will be getting a 600cc+ dual-sport sometime soon, so when I get the urge to street-ride I can. For now, I am having fun driving my latest acquisition, a 1995 Chevrolet Caprice with the 9C1 police package and the LT1 V8.

NEW UPDATE 06/12/05
Well, my plans to get a big-bore dual-sport didn't work out. I drove the Caprice around for just over a year and couldn't stand not having a bike any more. So I sold the Caprice, for more than I paid for it actually, and bought a 1991 Honda ST1100. I still don't plan on removing any of the VFR information. I don't know why since I haven't owned the bike for about 5 years now. But, as I said before, I like to share.

NEW UPDATE 01/09/07
Its been two years since I bought the ST1100. I still have it an enjoy it. But I am getting the itch for another VFR, so it may be time for a change.

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Updated: January 09, 2007

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