Bill Beyer's Mustangs

Welcome to our current collection of Ford Mustangs!

This site is devoted to our hobby -- restoration, preservation and just plain enthusiastic enjoyment of Ford Mustangs, classic to current.

And, for good measure, we've included some pictures of our other family vehicles as well!

(If you like my pages, please click on Rank My Site and Stangnet above and give my site your vote!)

In response to several recommendations that we break up our home page to improve loading time, we have broken the page into several, one per topic (with subpages for subtopics) Your comments are truly appreciated.

You may proceed serially through this page's focus -- our 1965 Mustang convert -- or you may use the buttons below to jump directly to pages focused on our other current (and former) Mustangs (where you can leap out to other pages showing more details about each of those Mustangs).

How it all began: A rambling account of a Ford family.

Our `65 Convertible.

Our `87 LX Coupe.

Formerly our `66 Coupe.

Our 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis

Our Newest Addition -- a ZX2 Escort

My other transportation (from Milwaukee, WI and York, PA rather than Dearborn)

Our Classic Mustang Convertible

This is our current project,,,a beautiful twilight turquoise very late `64.5/very early `65 (August 13, 1964) 289 4V 3-speed convertible with white top and interior.

Under the hood, a 289-4V, backed by a 3-speed trans

(Somehow it feels as though nothing wants to work without some kind of fix??!!?? Guess that may be the definition of a "Project" car!!

To follow along with our restoration by way of pictures, click HERE

It's worth the trip if only to see how much damage can be found lurking under bondo and undercoating!

To find likely all the Mustang links on the 'Net, link to Tom Schmidt's links

Thanks, Tom!

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