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Hello from Kenneth R. Huntsman, I live in Carrboro,
K 4 K R H

The System is home built in an Enlight Mid Tower case, It has a AMD K6-2/3d 400mhz processor, a DFI system board with 1gb lvl-2 pipeline cache and 128mb memory, a STB Velocity 4400 with 16mb video card, 1.2gb, 2.1gb, 3.2gb hard drives, Umax flatbed scanner, a 40X CD-Rom, 4X8 CD-R, and an Iomega Jazz & Zip drives. It has a 600 watt ups protecting the system. I'm running Windows98@ with the Plus98 Pkg.
Once in awhile I have it up as a ftp server running Cat Soft Serv-U@ software.

I have a wife["JUDY"] , 2 Daughters[Grown & Married], and 4 Yorkies[Still @ Home]. Our oldest daughter["ALICIA"] lives in Burlington and her husband helps to build our interstate highway system. Our other daughter["LISA"] is a teacher in Chatham County and her husband["Bob"] is with Raleigh PD[so,if you are in Raleigh,]. We have 2 Grand Children ["Cali & Hanson"] so far. It seems like we work all the time though I am not working at this time (between jobs) and my wife is working for Chapel Hill/Carrboro School system in Carrboro. As for off time, I'm into NASCAR, Ham Radio & The Internet, and my wife takes care of me and our 4leg'd kids[Little Bit, Donnie Lee, Binky, & Lucy]. They keep us both step'in & a fetch'in

"The GrandKids"

University Inn
BEST WESTERN University Inn, Highway 54 East-Raleigh Road, PO Box 2118, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27515-2118, 919-932-3000 Fax: 919-968-6513
They are not the newest or the fanciest, but it's located for easy access anywhere around town, UNC, RTP and the Airport. The customer service is #1. It's the best kept 45 Plus year old secret in the RTP area.
If your are in town for business or pleasure, check 'em out (Ssshhhh, tell everyone!!).For reservations E-mail:

Judy & I went to Asheville, NC a short while ago. I was looking in the AAA Guide and found an ad for this place. I saw they had a Web Page. Being the surfer I am, I went to their web page. After the visit, I placed a call and they made us a reservation. Best thing I did right in our trip to Asheville.

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I'm a AMERICAN by birth & a TARHEEL by the grace of GOD!!
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