The Hotel California

Welcome to the Hotel California...

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to visit The Hotel California since 1998

Please excuse the dust as we renovate the Hotel. When the renovation is complete, you'll find a resort for you to enjoy a variety of family entertainment. The Resort will have Auto Racing information, The locations that my favorite SoCal bands are playing, as well as many other Hotel Amenities. We hope you enjoy your stay and plan to vacation with us again real soon.

Before going any further, it would be out of place not to give some special thanks to my internet Mentor, Phillis!!! Without you, none of this would be here. Thanks a LOT!!! Your friendship and guidance are truly appreciated


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The Rock of the Empire!!!

Too bad the LA stations have forgotten their roots. This place still plays Rock and Roll. Very unfortunate for those of you that live West of the "57". You can't get here from there!

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