Bill's Jansen's Rodding Page
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                                                       Current Projects

                                   1938 WillysCoupe

1937 Willys Pickup          1941 Ford COE Truck

  My 1937 Willys still under construction                              Matt's 1935 Ford Pickup
                                                                               Click here for rear view and interior shot.

I am a member of various Hot Rod Clubs and Organizations including:

Australian Street Rod Federation

Phantoms Hot Rod Club

Mid America Willys Club

ACT TAC [Technical Advisory Committee

ACT District Hot Rod History    A pictorial history from 1965 to the present day

One of the aims of this web page is to assist you in finding that elusive article in various Street Rod magazines.You all know how long it takes to thumb through all your magazines,Well this page will just make it a bit easier especially if your magazines are in date order.
I have been cataloguing magazine articles for about 8 years now and I have just about caught up. Not all magazines are in this list; Just the ones available in Australia and the ones I could afford at  the time. Most of the listings are from yearly Magazine Indexes ,so if by some chance you find a mistake it was probably wrong in the Index .For the rest it has meant thumbing through the Magazine,a very time consuming  job.

American Rodder Features                           Aug 1988 onwards
American Rodder technical                               "       "         "
US Street Rodder Features                            May 1972  No 1 onwards
US Street Rodder Technical                              "       "       "           "
US Rod & Custom Features                          Nov  1961  onwards
US Rod & Custom Technical                            "        "          "
US Rod Action Features                                 0ct   1972-June 1995
US Rod Action Technical                                  "        "       "        "
Australian Graffiti Books
Australian Street Rodding Features                  April 1977 0nwards
Australian Street Rodding Technical                    "        "         "
Australian Restored Cars                                 Odd issues
Australian Custom Rodder Features                 Spring 1967-Jan 1994  Complete set
Australian Custom Rodder Tecnical                      "        "       "       "           "          "
New Zealand Hot Rod Features                    April 1979-1988 + A Few odd issues
New Zealand Hot Rod Technical                      "       "         "        "     "     "       "
Rodders Digest Features                                #43 onward
Rodders Digest Technical                                 "        "
1001 Custom & Rod Ideas Features              Fall 1967 - 1981
1001 Custom & Rod Ideas Technical               "       "          "
Street Rod Builder Features
Street Rod Builder Technical
Australian Cruzin Features
Australian Cruzin Technical

 While you are here check out my Links Page