      allows you to easily reward other Web site owners for linking to your site.
this is a line.

JT'S 1996 KAWASAKI ZX-ignore th -UPR, NINJA
This is my bike, with kris behind it, in front of Lake Okanagan on the Sportbike West first annual rally poker run.
this is another line.

Watch out Simon! . . oops too late Kicked in the head by a crazy duck rider.

I'm a bloody fag, weehee! Get the hell out of my way, aahhhhh!!  Your fault, KICK!! Before you read anything I want you to see that I've actually learned something in my first term at Devry... if you think I can't get into your com. from this page, then try this..

Wow I haven't updated my page in ages. I'm now living in Calgary, Alberta and attending Devry. I'm half way through my first week, it's pretty fun so far. Although, the com class is kinda a 'no-brainer'. The rest of the classes are cool, it nice havin to get up at noon for school; every student's dream come true! I'm probably going to ditch all the bike stuff or at least most of it cause now I'm runnin a T1 line through shaw cable 10 megabites per sec. man, monda fast. That translates to lot's-o-wicked pics, we should, we being me and kris, have some pictures from our new place and around Calgary ready to scan pretty soon just needs developin. That's all for the intro' and as if anyone reads this page anymore anyways, if I ever had a select group of people's that came every now and then to check the page I'm sure they gave up after 6 months of the same thing. Anyways.

This is a hello to Brandon and Michelle, some people who I met at Devry, super nice. Maybe have a seperate page for the enrollees of Devry, donna know yet. They each have pages allthough I have no idea where or what they look like. Stay tooned.

If you're a local (Geocity resident), then you might want to check out the new java chat rooms. And if you ever have any questions just hit the help chat and ask away I used to go in there and help but I ran out of internet time way back when due to my inkling to assist, but that is no longer thanks to the cable hook-up. I highly recommend it, super fast and pretty cheap besides you can still use your phone line at the same time. Hey, you allmost never have to touch your mouse...unless you like to !;^D

Anyone wanting to learn how to "HARMLESSLY!!!" hack merely has to download Carolyn Meinel's Guide to Mostly Harmless Hacking. I highly reccomend it. If not for fun at least read it for laughs. If you like the guide then subscribe to her newsletter I think it's 4 per month. I don't know how to do most of what the guide explains but maybe after a couple of semesters I might have an idea. heh!

Oh,by the way the blue bike you see to the right is FOR SALE, I'm asking $1,800 Cdn. or best offer of course, any offer at the moment. If I happen to get around to it I'll but a page solely for it and then you can decide if you like it or not, it's a real looker though. And I got around to it so now you can check her out!

Also if anyone owns a Ford Ranger 2.3L inline 4, please e-mail me and we can just trade stories of our most embarasing stalls. Oh yah, the trucks for sale now too I've been atempting to liquidate my assets so as to have some savings or spending moola. We still have the Jeep to finish so some green is needed in that direction, hopefully I'll have some pics of the green machine ( Jeep )in a bit.

This page isn't likely to look like this for long, I'll probably get tired of how it looks and change the subject all together; Got a crazy new life now so I got lots'o crazy things to talk and show!

And remeber, the last person to brake is the first one to die. Happy overheating in the hot summer sun.


LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

yes sir, you've guessed it.  Another fraggin line!!

I've hadpeople drive by since September 20, 1997.

Cool, I broke 100 hits on October 14, 1997.

1997 Is a Dutch magazine that I have a copy of!

contrary to popular belief this is not a thin blue line, it is, on the contrary, a small rowandan refugee who was looking for work and I didn't feel like typing any more.
