Paikiah's Homepage
Last update: Friday, June 12, 1998, 2:21 AM
Ok, see here... no more car stuff in this homepage. Sorry, but my mind is made up. Why? Why not? I'm getting too busy to update homepages. Until I get a good idea about what to actually post in this space, well, it's gonna remain this way. Unless you have an idea for a theme. Then please tell me about it, ok? I'm just sick and tired of all these homepage things right after I had to develop my homepage for the college. Wanna have a look? Go here
Meanwhile, any one of you guys out there interested in fishing? I just got hooked onto the sports and if you have any idea about how to tie the best knot for the fishhook, please tell me. Seems that my knots are in knots.
Hey, World Cup fever, man... power to the Korean team!!! YEAH!!! Hope they have mercy on Brazil when they meet for the finals.
Hey, please write something on the guest book, man, don't want to have an empty guest book, ok? I mean, look at the number of people who visited here and the number of entries in the guest book. Doesn't tally, does it now?
Ok, the same old links are here and if you have absolutely nothing, but nothing to do, then please go ahead and bore yourself out by reading some stuff about me and my interests.
You guys have GOT to check out this site sent to me by Clinton
Hey, my pages are handwritten
My web ring's getting pretty dry now. No rally things on the page... well, there is one thing, the wall paper.
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Race enthusiast number to check out this site (counter reset at 1st June 1998)
Yes, I have no frames. I do not particularly like the style of frames so I'm sticking with the simple layout.
The Best Things In Life Are Always FREE...
power to the leaf
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You should use netscape to see the marble-following-your-mouse-pointer- effect. pretty cool stuff
p.s. where has Microsoft taken you today? Into court?
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