wants you
to tickle through her pages
and learn just what a woman wants you to do to her...


to take the crash course.
In just ten minutes, you'll
become a better lover.

When you complete my crash course in lovemaking, you get a humorous diploma to put on your site, to warn those girls out there that you are one red-hot lovemaking machine. Here's a sneak peek...

Also, someone sent me this address for a love potion (!?!?!) .... It sounds interesting, be sure to check it out.

Feedback/Q&A Section
Read and learn; real emails from worldwide netters!
Or, ask something that you've always wanted to know...

Don't forget to pass on this URL to a friend!
there are a lot of clueless guys and needy girls out there :)

A little note: I really didn't expect my site to be allowed to stay here as long as it has, considering the subject matter -- even though I've made sure to be tasteful and legal in everything I've posted here.
Kudos to GeoCities, for having the insight to let the internet be what it's meant to be -- a source for free information, regardless of topic.

This page hosted by
which I'm sure is really uncomfortable
about hosting sites like this one.
Notice: If GeoCities DOES remove this page, I won't let you guys down. Look up "sexychick" in a search engine and hopefully by then I'll have a mirror site somewhere, for you to read.