The Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club was founded in 1982 and is an AMA chartered club. The club is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of motorcycles manufactured by the Birmingham Small Arms Company and BSA Motorcycles Ltd.
Additional details on club history can be obtained here.
Visit our officer directory for our listing of current officers or visit some other BSA related links
To submit photos for consideration in the 2010 OHIO VALLEY BSA OWNERS CLUB CALENDAR, please provide digital pictures only (8-10 megapixels) on a CD disc; side view of bike composition (nice background) pictures may include bike owner
Mail photo entries to: Barb Kubena, Box 315, Cokeburg, PA 15324.
Questions call or email: Bud Kubena (724-945-6018)
Coming Events
The 2009 Spring Meet will be held May 30-31, 2009 at the Cable Campground. The Spring Reliability Ride is scheduled for May 30 (the first day of the meet).
The Annual Fall OVBSA rally will be held August 7-9, 2009 at the Cable Campground.
A map is available here for those of you wanting to know location of future Ohio Valley club campground and events.
Classic Swap Meets by Will Stoner - April 5, York, PA. Information, call Will Stoner at (440) 591-5099.
British and European Motorcycle Day is on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at the Butler's Orchard, Maryland. Matchless, AJS, and Norton are the featured marques, concours competition, vintage trails demo, plenty of food and fun. Concours and vendor areas will be full of interesting brit and euro bikes, and the parking lot for non-european bikes is impressive as well. Over 2000 attendees expected, door prizes, tech sessions, and more.
Triumph Come Home Rally is June 12-14, 2009 at Spring Grove, PA.
The 2009 BSA Owners of Ontario Rally; July 17-19,2009 West Montrose, Ontario, Canada. Contact: - Bill Smith
Virginia British Motorcycle Club Rally on October 4, 2009 in Leesburg, VA.
Greater Atlanta British Motorcycle Association upcoming events
Club Newsletters and Membership
Ohio Valley BSA owners club mail-in membership application - print it out and send it to us and start receiving the newsletters!
You can also read summaries of a past reliablity runs for the Summer 2007 realibility run, the spring 2007 realibility run, or the 2006 realiability run.
Small Heath's Best example of club newsletter, Volume 21 Number 3, May - June 2006
OVBSA Raffle Bikes
The 2009 Raffle bike is a 1969 BSA 441 Victor Special. Tickets are printed and on sale now. They are still $5.00 each or 3 tickets for $10.00 and may be ordered from Clark Francy, Box 23, Toronto, OH 43964 or Barb Kubena, Box 315, Cokeburg, PA 15324. Please enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope and make checks payable to OVBSAOC.
The YEAR 2008 raffle bike was a 1972 650cc Lightning and it was won by Tom Vogal of Ambridge, PA
The YEAR 2007 raffle bike is a 1964 BSA 500cc Cyclone
which can be viewed by clicking on Photo 1 or Photo 2. This raffle drawing was held during the annual August 2007 rally and the winning raffle ticket was sold at Mid Ohio to Ray Tuttle from Belle Vernon, PA.
The YEAR 2006 Raffle bike A 1955 BSA A10 Golden Flash was raffled during the August Rally and was won by Russell Blake Jr in Huntington WV! Russell was once a BSA dealer himself and was a great person to win the raffle bike!
The YEAR 2005 Raffle bike A 1971 BSA Thunderbolt raffled in August and associated winners name!
The YEAR 2004 Raffle bike Won by Sandy Augustine (whose late husband for whom the "Augie" award is named) won the pretty 441 Victor raffle bike and I hear that she "whoopeeed" for 25 minutes !
The YEAR 2003 Raffle bike Check out the photos of the new 1970 BSA A65 and the winning raffle ticket holder!
The YEAR 2002 Raffle bike This 1972 Thunderbolt was raffled in August. Still working on getting a photo of the winner beside his price!
The YEAR 2001 Raffle bike Check out the 2001 raffle bike. Winner was
Robert Bauer, Richmond, VA.
YEAR 2000 Raffle bike BSA A65 Raffle Bike won by Bernie Kalchthaler from Charleroi, Pennsylvania.
Year 1999 Raffle Bike . 1970 Royal Star 500 won by a Texas member on August 8, 1999, at the Ohio Valley BSA owners club annual August rally.
OVBSA Owners Club - Photos
Spring 2007 Reliability Run photographs
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4 photo 5 photo 6
Spring 2007 trials event photographs
photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4 photo 5
August 2005 Annual OVBSAOC Rally
Photographs taken by the late Tarvin Porter.
August 2005 Annual OVBSAOC Rally
Photographs taken by the late Tarvin Porter.
August 2004 Annual OVBSAOC Rally
Photographs taken by Daniel and photos taken by John Anderson are also linked here.
Mural from International rally 1990 hosted by the Ohio Valley club chapter See a pasted together mural of pictures from the clubs past!!!!
August 2002 Annual OVBSAOC Rally photos taken by Tarvin Porter and photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4 , taken by Greg Saurbier.
Year 2002 Can-Am Rally display of the raffle bike and Brad Eaton after the trials competetion Sunday May 5, 2002, with his best trials ride so far.
Year 2001 Annual Fall Rally photographs of competitions, bike show, and misc swap meet activities
Year 2000 Annual Pyle-Driver photographs.
Year 2000 Annual Fall Rally photographs of Trials and misc swap meet activities
Year 2000 CAN AM photographs of Trials event
Year 1999 Annual Fall Rallymisc. photographs.
Please email Daniel Boss (Webmaster) or Clark Francy (Club Editor) for input or suggestions on this website.
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