Welcome to our Sports Page. We start off with the
Sports News section. Major League Baseball, NFL Football, the National
Hockey League, and The NBA homepages are linked. The NCAA and The PGA
Tour are also highlighted. You will find numerous sports online news services
and other sports links. Also there are links to the AP Pole, and Las
Vegas Odds. Ticket information links come right after
the Sports News.
Do you fly your own plane, or lease a plane, to fly to the races?
Browse the Flying links. Pilots know about Air Races,
do you?? Flight plan info, weather, and many other rescources for the pilot
are available on these links. Information about Flight Plan software is
also available.
Our Motorsports section is growing daily. If it races
it's here, or soon will be. If you say, "NASCAR rules", or
"NHRA is the Number 1 Motorsport", you'll find their HomePages
linked here. For all types of Motorsports including motorcycle racing,
check out the Autochannel.
For auto racing only, go to the SpeedNet site. Track, OffRoad, Enduro, you
can follow it here in our MotorSports section.
If you love the feel of the breeze, the thrill of leaning into a curve,
or riding on a quiet summer country road, wheel into our
Motorcycle links, and drop your kickstand for a visit.
If you are a horse race fan, you will enjoy our Horse
Racing section. Most of the links are for harness racing, but not all.
Race track information, a list of Horse Farms, and numerous racing news
scources are linked. Follow your favorite horse by using our Daily Harness
Race Results link. If you want to know when your county fair starts, check
out the Fair Net link.
Our page is continually changing. Check back often. If you have some
great links to suggest, please feel free to
e-mail me.
Enjoy your visit with us.