Welcome to Dean's Webpage ! Turn those speakers up loud and listen to my favorite song , this tune was arranged by Mary Fulwiler daughter of Robert and JoNell Fulwiler friends of our family who live in Texas.


Hi ! my name is Dean , alot of people know me by the name of Dino as this was a nickname that I was given and has followed me for many years . I was born in Digby Nova Scotia and grew up right beside the ocean on the Bay of Fundy which is part of the Atlantic Ocean . I am married and my wifes name is Liz and I have twin identical boys that are 18 years old, people on the web that I have spoken to usually hear me talk alot about Matthew and Charles , these are my boys names. I live in a very small village called New Maryland which is about 2 miles from the capital city of New Brunswick which is Fredericton , I have added a link to Frederictons homepage for you to view as it is truly a beautiful city or as I call it a large historic town . Before being transferred to Fredericton NB I lived for a number of years in Brampton Ontario which is close to Toronto Ontario Canada . I love the outdoors and all the activities that go with it . Quite a few years ago I had an accident that was pretty severe . About 1987 I got this disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy(RSD) and I have included a link on my webpage to give people a little more information on this disease. Since I was diagnosed with this the medical profession has changed the name to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, but no matter what it is called it is a very disabling disease that my words could never describe. My RSD is in my left lower leg and foot. I enjoy playing crib in the igames and all the wonderful people I have met in the chats on the web.I enjoy music very much and have played in a band , I play several instruments including a 1957 Fender Stratocaster , a 12 string ovation , 5 string banjo and a few more not mentioned here.

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