Time for a small remodel... been a few (days) since I have spent time with this page. I have been busy this last year! I decided to go skydiving this last summer...July 7th... and broke my leg. The local Coop which I worked for let me go after I went back to work. So I have been self employed, running my business for the last few months. As for the Cutlass...it is painted and fast! (soon to be faster.....full pics and story to come real soon) In the mean time, please visit Mittens Mirror
Links to the rest of my site
My favorite Links
My tribute to Jeff Gordon
A Poem Written for me by my Wife (Mittzz)
Pictures of me, my friends, and my cars
A Quick list of the folks that drove me to this madness......
mittzz, albert, stimpy, Jary, ®ubberdu©k, SenSei®, SheWolf©, Mr. Noble and MikeyTheBartender

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This page changes often, please come back SOON!
Last updated 01/20/02
I got mine
Now go get your own
This page is maintained by Speeddeez 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002