Scooter's Shop

Mustang and Harley Hobbiest

Just a little Background information about me......

I enjoy building and working on cars and bikes almost as much as I like driving them. I'm in the proccess of building a prostreet '69 Mustang. Like everything else, it has gotten a little out of control (budget). I suppose it will be worth it when I'm done, but it's been a long time coming. I need about two weeks to complete the thing, however that taks about two months when I figure in my real job.

I also have a 1977 Harley FLH. That is probably the best tranquilizer I have. There ain't nothin' like bein' in the wind! I have been riding for about 25 years. I got away from riding for a while, after breaking my neck in 3 places (truck accident), but I developed the "gotta have its" and bought the '77. Also, I am in the process of totally cutomizing a '74 Sporty.


My '69 Mustang

My '77 FLH

My '74 Sporty

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