Taking my Opel to car shows is something I love to do because meeting people who tell me stories of their past Opels is alot of fun! The responses I've gotten to it have ranged from "I remember sitting in the back seat"(does it  look like there's a back seat? :-) to "Get that foreign piece of **** out of here."(Some people take things way to serious.)
Opel facts The answer to the old question..... Which came first the Corvette or the Opel GT?
Opel stories Is there an Opel in your past? Send me your Opel story.
Opel parts Do you know where your parts are?
Opel info General and maybe some technical information or maybe not.
Pictures Cars, cars and more cars. (I've got lots and lots of pictures.  But  sorry, no scanner yet.)
Other places Links and stuff not related to Opels.
This page has been under construction since March of 1998 and well, it's going to be under construction for alot longer.
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