The Panned Cake Purveyance
There comes a time in a man's life when he must confront nature in all its
wonder and glory and make a contribution to it to make up for his indifference
and lackadaisical posterity in conforming to said virtues in a salute
to all that is natural and good. And so it was with this drivel in mind
that I convinced Patrick that we must make a sacrifice, a sacrifice of the
coveted Panned Cake, or Pancake as most Americans refer to it as. Many
round steamy discs of wheat and milk were cooked up this sunny Saturday morning
before going out to work on the Midget (Lil' Racer), and two extraordinary
events were caught on film. One is me teaching Patrick how to flip a pancake with
the pan rather than use the better-known "spatula technique." Below you can find Patrick
testing the coefficient of friction of the spatula on Cake Beta-Niner over the
safety net of the frying pam. Patrick is pointing to the tip of the cake which will revolve
three times in the air before expertly coming to rest in the pan:

It's The Flip! Notice Patrick is still pointing to the leading Flip Edge of the pancake.
This isn't just mere coincidence, folks. The pancake is in the apex of its travel, approximately 0.2341 meters
from the skillet.

Now comes the release of the pancakes to the outside world, time to let the pancakes to their homes in
nature. Here Patrick tests the torsion strength of the pancake-spatula system support (otherwise
known as the Spatula Handle to lay folks) and poses for the camera. You might want to save this graphic,
folks, it makes a great background graphic and prints out wonderfully to use as postcards for the holidays!

The Release! What follow-through! Excellent!

Here is a shot of the expert placement of Cake Beta-Niner. Good shot, Patrick!
