Red Flannel Racing

The Force Up North
This site is always under construction. Kinda like the roads in Michigan, only we hope to actually improve things as we go!
This is the 2nd incarnation of the RFR website. Hopefully this attempt will prove more user friendly than the first.

Big News! I finally got around to updating this place a bit!
It's not easy being your own publicist, along with everything else it takes to run a race team. I've finally gotten a few free moments to update this place. Racing has taken a back seat this summer. A new house is in the works, and a new baby graced our family this spring. Chandler James was born on April 5th, and has been gaining ground on his brother and sister ever since.

We got off to a strong start this season, and it really looked like Red Flannel's year to make a mark on the Limited Latemodel class in Northern Michigan. But of course, racing has a way of keepin you humble. After 2 strong weeks, disastor struck. I broke a u-joint while running 2nd in the Spring Championship. What seems minor at first, turned into a bent drive shaft, and a twisted rear-end. It's taken about a month, but the car is now converted to a Ford 9 inch. Of course, we guessed wrong on the gears, so it will be another week or so until things are back to normal.

Important Personal Info:
My name is Pat Howard. I'm married, 25 years old, with three wonderful kids, 9, 3, and nine months. During the day, I'm a mild mannered paramedic/volunteer firefighter, but at night, I turn into a racing maniac. I grew up watching my Dad tackle the dirt at Northern Michigan Speedway, near Gaylord, Michigan. Now the Howard racing tradition continues as myself, and my younger brother, Brian, take on one of the toughest tracks in Michigan.
Northern Michigan Speedway originally saw battles as a dirt track. This time around, it's an asphalt monster, with short, tight corners, and wide but intimidating straights. It's just over a quarter mile in length, with moderate banking, and some of the smoothest pavement I've ever seen. The track is often referred to as two drag strips with corners at each end.
To tame this place, RFR has developed two sportsman chassis, both based on early 70's Camaro front sub-frames. It's been a successful chassis. In 1996, our first season with it, Brian managed to finish 3rd in the points battle. This year was even better, with both of us fielding purpose built race cars. Brian improved on last year's finish, moving to second in points, behind me. We took first and second in the Sportsman division points battle.

Why are we here?
This isn't an important philisophical question. I just love to race, and want to share that with everyone. The Net gives me an oppurtunity to meet lots of racers and fans, and that is what racing is all about. I eat, sleep, and dream racing. When the weather up here turns cold, I get my fix on snowmobiles, and on the net. I'ld love to hear from you. Drop my a note...
Red Flannel Racing.
I can also be found hanging out at Bianca's Chat Shack, usually in the Zarathud room. It's a cool place for adults to B.S. about whatever is on your mind. Just look for "speedracer". Sublte, isn't it?

My guestbook is finally working, so please check it out.

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The Meat of the Matter!
If you'ld like to see some pics of our cars, check this out. I also keep everyone updated about our endeavors. Weekly updates (during the season, of course) and news about our latest projects can be found here.
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