Who are we?
Three hard working guys, All working at the same huge autobody shop, It is an Icar shop,it is government approved, Highest standards. We have 42 years combined automotive experience.

Where are we?
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, For you deep southerners we are on the westcoast 500 miles north of vancouver and it's damn cold here. We are a hearty bunch. Now meet the team.


Cal is pretty much handy at everything, does heavy collision mostly on 1 tons. Can fix any wreck.
Is good with coming up with a solution for any problem and can work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Hobbies include: Restoring old cars, and drag racing every friday night, Cal does all the work on the car himself. All engine transmission and rear end work is very happy and says i have a good head and will make a good leader. Our goal is to prove we are the best and will give it 100%
2nd in command

Stan is da man when it comes to welding, He wields the mig like a mighty sword. When he weld's it don't break can fabricate any piece made for anything stan's da man.
Hobbies include: Restoring his 38 ford (which cal calls "your bullet riddled volkswagon") but it is truly sweet. Stans the guy that all the hot rodders in our medium sized city call when they can't do it cause stan can. Stan says he wants to win and put Prince George on the map.
3rd in command

Gopher we didn't know to much but on quick call to CLEO for the free reading revealed all. She says don't let the glassy look in his eyes fool you he is a sponge soaking up knowledge as fast as he can. This guy takes orders and follows directions first time out. He can put together anything that someone else has taken apart. Ryan says he wants to be on Junkyard Wars to show everyone he got Skillz.

What we think
We think we have all the nessasary skillz to make any project a reality between us we have owned almost one of everything from jet boats to harleys to off road dune buggies (we live in the boonies nothing better to do with our time) so we have a working knowledge of boats and all types of land vehicles are fammiliar with hydraulics, electronics, wood working and hooked on phonics. If you gave us a big enuf cliff I am sure we could get something to fly to the bottom. If whatever we build is on faith then it will be perfect.

We think we have a better chance then the americans to get on because way less canadians have entered than americans, also it seems like lots of teams have players that have been on the show we don't know if that will help or hinder their teams. Also it is a british show and remember Canada is a part of the british commonwealth so we are sure their will be a few Canadians. Anyways thats our two sense worth and good luck to everybody who has entered it will be a riot for the winners!.


O.k here's our video but read this first we sent in two video's both about five minutes each one explains the technical working's of our laser frame straightener but after veiwing it we thought it looked like a documentery and would look like everyone elses so we made a video of thing's we couldn't do but were willing to try have a look and see what you think. Please wait it is 2.5 megs in size and will load into your real player wait for a minute for it to open if you have cable or DSL and if your tapping morse code on your phone line it will take a while. Just wait and it will play only works with real player.

Junkyard Video