Welcome to Pubmaster's page!

Thanks for being visitor number to my page! If you're one of my Yahoo or ICQ friends, then you already know me... Well here are some more details:

My name is Paul Hubbard. I'm 40 years old, recently married to the most beautiful lady I've ever met (that's her in the background). I've been in the computer industry for 15 years, working mostly as a troubleshooter and customer support super-hero. I currently live in beautiful, sunny Tucson, AZ. I have three passions in life: My wife, My Harley, and Golf (in that order). Since I haven't figured out how to golf on my Harley, I mostly concentrate on the first two! LOL!!

Here's a few pages that I've put together for my close friends and relatives. Visit them, they like the company!
Eric Schrader
Paul and Dawn (Suthernbelle and me)
My parents, Hub and Char
Pete Huber, my riding buddy and golf pro

I also love a good joke, and I'm ready and willing to help you with your computer woes. Check out my joke and help pages!

If you love a good joke, bookmark this page, cuz the joke lists will always grow and change!

If you're a John Denver fan, DO NOT go here!!!!

Just some thoughts... Blonde Jokes! Lawyer Jokes!

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Pictures from the 1997 4th Annual Hooter's Invitational Golf Tournament!
Pics page 1 Pics page 2
Jokes 10/20/97 Links
Help me Mr. Wizard!!! My Resume

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