Attempting Eclecticism...
Well now, this place has undergone a metamorphosis once again. I got fed up trying to
load this silly page, so I'm hacking stuff away and moving it to individual pages. A little bit about myself
is now in order I figure. I'm going to try and avoid anything that is rote in these little biopic type sites. I will
just suffice it to say that I love knowledge, and I can't get enough of it. I know that it sounds like I'm a
brownnosing student from that statement, but in actuality I'm a terrible student. I subscribe to the credo that
most college students to, procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate. I am also finding that I'm good with machines
and the like. I'm a film student at Fitchburg State College and when on a
shoot, I like to be the equipment guru. Hell, I have more fun getting everything set up than I do using it. Stemming
from this love for all things mechanical, I am also becoming more and more proficient at fixing things. It used to be
that I would take things apart that were broken, only to break them more. I have gotten to the point where
I can actually get the things I disassemble back together, and not have TOO many leftover parts. Since I am a
mechanical, work-with-my-hands type person, I also love cars. I bought a car last summer, and its still alive, which I think is
quite an accomplishment in itself. My car is a Volvo, and I have a collection of Volvo information and links.

Links to other sites on the Web
Non-Gearhead Pages
Bri's page, there's pictures of me there!
WXPL, The station where I'm a DJ.
WXPL is great. My show on there is called Ear Candy. Basically I play music from my parent's youth. I know that its the 90's and all,
but a lot of the music coming out these days just doesn't sound good to me. Don't get me wrong, there's still good new bands, and I
listen to them and play them on my show. New bands that I like range from the the Ben Folds Five to Southern Culture on the Skids I just prefer the older stuff, such as Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, not to mention the Blues
and many, many more things. Too many to list.

Us college students need to be informed, here's where I go.

For those of us that love to camp, this is close to Heaven.

My favorite search engine, which also happens to be the best search engine.
Non-Specific Gearhead Sites

Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers!

The best auto repair manuals short of the factory ones.

Eastwood has a lot of great products for restoring your car.
© 1997