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Changing Host; Changing Site

This site closed 3 years ago, and despite several efforts to re-open it, it has remained closed. 

However, I am tired of wasting my money on a domain I do not use, so I will be changing the objectives of this site and I will be moving it to a new host.  

I may keep a Nascar section on the page, but I expect it to be a much smaller entity then it was before. I will probably just use it to host the pictures I take at tracks; we'll see.


Last Updated: May 22, 2003

Guestbook by Lpage

This page had 40,000 viewers since 4/22/97 before closing.

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©1997-2002 rpmallen@rpmallen.com

*NASCAR® and WINSTON CUP® are registered trademarks owned and controlled by National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. The operator(s) of this website is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the NASCAR® organization. The official NASCAR® website is NASCAR® ONLINE