Welcome to our Falcon Club - Ontario Canada

WWW.CDNFalconClub.com our "NEW" Internet home

The Ontario Chapter of the Falcon Club of America is pleased to announce the official release of the NEW CDNFalconClub.com InfoCentre.

The new InfoCentre is designed to allow Guest InfoCentre Members to participate in discussions and share with the world stories and pictures. Full Falcon Club members will have enhanced features enabled in the InfoCentre. Think of this as the bulletin board in the kiosk at the mall where you can pin up your notices and pictures, only to the next dimension...

All those wishing to become guest InfoCentre members are required to complete a simple online registration. PLEASE NOTE - nothing from previous versions or guest books was retained, this is a completely new version... Everyone will need to re-register.

Direct link --> InfoCentre.CDNFalconClub.com

We introduced an area in our new InfoCentre --> Barn Finds <-- this is not junk, but Ford Falcons found out in the wild. Most (all so far) are "For Sale" ads. Some of these ads are no longer available but the pictures are still available -- Check it out --> 1966 Ford Falcon Windowed Van -- $5,500.00

... ...

62 Wagon

Pictures from September 28 Ontario Chapter picnic at the Country Heritage Park in Milton ON

Pictures from our spring picnic -- May 11, 2002 --

Pictures from Niagara-On-The-Lake Show and Shine

Pictures sent by Roy Banks - England

Pictures sent in by Max Christensen - Australia


Dave -- Is this one of yours?

Pictures sent in by Glen Strachan Invercargill New Zealand

62 Club Wagon
... For Sale

1966 4-Door
... For Sale
1965 Ranchero
... For Sale
1965 Station Wagon
... SOLD

68 Futura
... SOLD

... SOLD

Fred B's 68
... SOLD

63 at Ancaster
... GONE

Ken's 65 Hi-Po
... SOLD

... You wish ...
... For Sail ...

Club Stuff
Falcon Country Store

For some of those other Falcon parts visit Dave's Fabulous Falcons ... www.DFFalcons.com



    60 Frontenac

    Cliff B's 61
    Paul M's 61

    Joe T's 62
    Pedro's 62

    Dave B's
    '63 Pro Street
    John & Ann's
    '63 HardTop
    Jim G's 63
    Rheal M's 63
    Dave C's
    Was mine 64
    Ray C's 64

    Rod and Sue's
    Former 64
    John B's 64
    Pete&Betty V's 64
    Lloyd M's 64
    TomCat's 64
    Newmarket Elvis
    Mark K's
    65 Ranchero
    Dave C's 65
    Wendy C's
    Former 65
    Picture Show
    Bob P's 65
    Ole Betsy 65

    Les B's
    Use to Be 65
    Dick P's 65
    "Red Rocket"
    (Jim N's 66)
    DFFalcons 67
    "From D'FarNord"
    Fred B's 68
    1965 Futura Convertible
    Rod's 1964 2-Door Sedan
    1965 2-Door Sedan
    Lloyd's 1964 Futura
    Joe's 1962 2-Door Sedan
    Jim's 1964 Futura Convertible
    Lawrie's 1967 2-Door Sports Coupe
    Scott's 1960 4-Door Sedan
    Dave's 1965 Futura
    Wendy's 1963 1/2 Sprint
    Larry's 1964 Sprint
    Our Erie Canal Friends
    Paul's 61 Wagon

    Drop up us a line NEW CDNFalconClub Forum

    ClubInfo@CDNFalconClub.com... CDN Falcon Club Mail Box --- Pictures Accepted


    The Falcon Club in Ontario was founded in September of 1995. We currently have a membership of approximately 50 members from Southern Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and NewYork State, England, Australia. Our club is a family orientated club. ----- Anyone interested in joining our ranks contact us by email or leave a message in our Guestbook. -----

    You do not have to own a Falcon, or live in Ontario to be a member.

    Want to Join...
