I am researching opening a 7 related dealer, near Summit Point raceway and trying to gauge  the area"s interest in these cars.  If it looks like there is some interest I may procede with talks with one or more of the above companies about becoming a dealer. Please click below to send an email about your feelings on this.  All information is welcome if you think I am crazy, which brand of car are you most interested, how far you would be willing to travel anything you think would help me out. All information is voulntary and will will be kept in strictest confidence. If you care to leave contact information, I will contact you if and when all arrangments are finalized. 

Thank You,
Lotus 7's, Caterhams. Birkins, Westfields
Would a dealer located just outside the DC area be of use to you?
I am trying to help........
created 12-13-2001