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Bobby's Homepage!!!

Hi, this is yours truly, Bobby. I'd like to thank you for visiting my site. I know it isn't much right now, but bare with me, i'm working on it.
Dont be afraid to check out my Links Page!!!
Check out my 1997-98 Jet Ski Buyers Guide!!!!
Top 10 Reasons to Jet Ski
1. The world is 75% water, figure it out moron!!

2. Transforms typical suburbinite into a stark raving lunatic

3. If you wipeout... Dude, it puts a whole new perspective on daily fluid intake!!!

4. Doesn't require all that peski clothing you have to wear for snow skiing.

5. Babe's love this kinda stuff.

6. Makes that swimming thing seem boring.

7. Cuts through the water like butter!

8. It's your own personal theme park on water.

9. Four out of five Psychologists recommend it to prevent insanity.

10. It's like taking a shower at 60+ mph and lovin' it!

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