It's me Torsten's Motorcycle page It's me, too

It all started in 1973, when Kawa came out with their first Z900.
This bike was different (more power than any other bike at that time) and it fascinated me.
I also remember a friend of my father taking me for a ride on his Moto Guzzi 750S. Great bike (Funny how one gets back to his roots).
So I nearly couldn't wait to start my motorcycling career (What a pity I was only 12 years old then ;-).

  • 1976: MOFA SOLO, 1,5 HP
  • 1978: YAMAHA FS1G-DX, with reliable lubrication, if you remember to refill the oil tank
  • 1980: BMW R 26 Bj. 58, 17 HP; good vibrations
  • 1981: YAMAHA SR 500, 32 HP; died of alternator heat stroke
  • 1985: HONDA CX 500, 50 HP, very reliable tourer
  • 1989: HONDA CBX 650 E, 50 HP, café racer
  • 1991: YAMAHA XJ 900 F, 98 HP; very nice and reliable tourer
  • 1997: MOTO GUZZI V35 IMOLA, 27 HP; one for the city and for the heart
  • 1997: MOTO GUZZI Le Mans III, named 'Grizzly', 76 HP and a lot of torque
  • 2001: MOTO GUZZI V65, basket case, either project bike or spares.
  • 2002: VELOSOLEX 3800, incredibly basic
  • 2006: MZ ETZ 250, 21 HP; everyday runner.

My current bikes
LM3 '82
V35 Imola '84
ETZ 250 '89
My Moto Guzzi Le Mans III '82.
My Moto Guzzi V35 Imola '84.
My MZ ETZ 250 '89.

As you will notice, most of my bikes are/have been shaft driven which I prefer a lot to chain drives.
The newest addi(c)tion is the Moto Guzzi V35 Imola, which my ex-wife Gundula & I bought Easter '97 for restauration.
And a second one of these fine small twins, which we bought on July 10, 1997.
On October 11 I finaly found a Moto Guzzi Le Mans III :-))), for which my XJ 900 had to go :-(
More on my new Le Mans can be found here.
In 1998 we bought another one of the small twins. A Trentacinque (V35GT) which is very rare here in Germany.
In February 2006 I added a MZ ETZ 250 twostroke to my collection, very lightweight and perfect for wintertime riding.

Technical data for the small twins can be found at the Small Twins Technical Data page.
Drawings of the optional kickstart assembly at the kickstart assy page.
For pictures see the Imola page.
Pictures of other Moto Guzzis can be seen at the Stein-Dinse Italo-Party '97 page and at the Moto Guzzi Club Nederland 25th Anniversary '97 page.
If you want to repaint or touch up your Goose have a look at the Guzzi Paint page
For instructions what to do if you have trouble repairing your japanese motorcycle, go here.
Some pictures from the German Speedweek 1998 at Oschersleben, where some rrr and other people from de.rec.motorrad met.
Pictures from the Bremer Weihnachtsmarkt 1999, where the hhh went to meet the Bremen fraction of de.rec.motorrad.

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last update: 02/27/2006 by
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